亞利桑那州的天空在你眼中燃燒 That Arizona sky burnin' in your eyes 你看著我,寶貝,我想要著火 You look at me and, babe, I wanna catch on fire 它像加州黃金一樣埋在我的靈魂裡 It's buried in my soul like California gold 你在我身上發現了我找不到的光 You found the light in me that I couldn't find 所以當我都哽咽的時候 So when I'm all choked up 我找不到字語 And I can't find the words 每次我們說再見 Every time we say goodbye 寶貝,好痛 Baby, it hurts 當太陽下山時 When the sun goes down 而且樂隊不會演奏 And the band won't play 我會永遠這樣記得我們 I'll always remember us this way 夜裡的戀人 Lovers in the night 詩人試圖寫作 Poets tryin' to write 我們不知道如何押韻 We don't know how to rhyme 但是,該死的,我們嘗試 But, damn, we try 但我真正知道的是 But all I really know 你就是我想去的地方 You're where I wanna go 我的那部分你永遠不會死 The part of me that's you will never die 所以當我都哽咽的時候 So when I'm all choked up 我找不到字語 And I can't find the words 每次我們說再見 Every time we say goodbye 寶貝,好痛 Baby, it hurts 當太陽下山時 When the sun goes down 而且樂隊不會演奏 And the band won't play 我會永遠這樣記得我們 I'll always remember us this w...