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Showing posts from December, 2019

卓文萱 Genie Chuo&黃鴻升 Alien Huang【愛的主旋律】Official Music Video

愛的主旋律  作曲 人工衛星 作詞 小色、馬智勇 是你在那個雨季  走進我生命 帶著一點任性和迷路的表情 是你在那個雨季  趕走了孤寂 溫暖的手融化我僅有的堅定 天上億萬顆星星  我卻只看見妳 要說這是幸運  還是不可思議 身邊有太多風景  我卻停在這裡 說我傻得可以 還不是因為你 是你的聲音  帶給我勇氣 戀愛的頻率  直達我心底 如果你願意  是的我願意 來做我幸福的主旋律 從前都是謎  現在我相信 天空會放晴  愛會更甜蜜 如果你願意  是的我願意 愛的主旋律  永遠唱下去

「戀愛循環/恋愛サーキュレーション」花澤 香菜 Live

せーの 預備 でも そんなんじゃ だめ 但是那樣 不行 もう そんなんじゃ ほら 那樣已經不行 你瞧 心 こころ  は 

島人ぬ宝 Shimanchu nu takara BEGIN en Romaji

Utada Hikaru_(宇多田 ヒカル) - First Love Lyrics [日本語|Rom|Eng]

Utada Hikaru_(宇多田 ヒカル) - First Love Lyrics [日本語|Rom|Eng] 最後のキスはタバコの flavor がした ニガくてせつない香り 明日の今頃には あなたはどこにいるんだろう 誰を思ってるんだろう You are always gonna be my love いつか誰かとまた恋に落ちても I'll remember to love You taught me how You are always gonna be the one 今はまだ悲しい love song 新しい歌 歌えるまで 立ち止まる時間が動き出そうとしてる 忘れたくないことばかり wou 明日の今頃には わたしはきっと泣いてる あなたを思ってるんだろう yeah yeah yeah You will always be inside my heart いつもあなただけの場所があるから I hope that I have a place in your heart too Now and forever you are still the one 今はまだ悲しい love song 新しい歌 うたえるまで You are always gonna be my love いつか誰かとまた恋に落ちても I'll remember to love You taught me how You are always gonna be the one まだ悲しい love song Now and forever Fu…

SAIGO NO IIWAKE with lyrics (English CC)

Saigo No Iiwake (Last Excuse) - Hideaki Tokunaga 歌詞 假裝睡得太多 寝たふりがこんなに 什麼是硬的 つらいことだとは 剛剛落下的水滴是淚水 今落ちた滴は 涙だね

Trix - Close To You

Trix - Close To You Lyrics You're the ship on my horizon You're my harbor in the storm You're my life light You're the anchor So hold me closer and keep me warm *I'll do anything to keep me close to you Oh darling you look through me You know what love's about I'll do anything to keep me close to you Oh darling you renew me Turn me inside out Love me tender, love me true Hold me closer up to you Baby, I'll do anything to keep me close to you Oh close to you is where I want to be Away from you I feel so empty Close to you I come alive Feel excitement, deep inside me Whenever I look in your eyes, in your eyes (*) Feel excitement, deep inside me Whenever I look in your eyes, in your eyes

Rambo Soundtrack : It`s a long road - Dan Hill HQ HD

Rambo Soundtrack : It`s a long road - Dan Hill HQ HD  Lyrics It's a long road When you're on your own And it hurts when they tear your dreams apart And every new town Just seems to bring you down Trying to find Peace of mind Can break your heart It's a real war Right outside your front door, I tell ya Out where they'll kill ya, You could use a friend Where the road is: That's the place for me Where I'm me In my own space, Where I'm free - That's the place I want to be 'Cause The road is long and Each step is only the beginning No breaks, just heartaches Oh man, is anybody winning? It's a long road And it's hard as well Tell me what do you do to survive When they draw first blood That's just the start of it Day and night You gotta fight To keep alive It's a real war Right outside your front door, I tell ya Out where they'll kill ya, You could use a frie...

Bruce Springsteen Secret Garden HD, Jerry Maguire Soundtrack (flac)

Bruce Springsteen Secret Garden LYRICS (słowa): She'll let you in her house, If you come knockin' late at night. She'll let you in her mind, If the words you say are right. If you pay the price, She'll let you deep inside, But there's a secret garden she hides. She'll let you in her car, To go drivin' 'round. She'll let you into the parts of herself, That'll bring you down. She'll let you in her heart, If you got a hammer and a vise, But into her secret garden, don't think twice. You've gone a million miles, How far'd you get, To that place where you can't remember, And you can't forget. She'll lead you down a path. There'll be tenderness in the air. She'll let you come just far enough, So you know she's really there. Then she'll look at you and smile, And her eyes will say, She's got a secret garden, Where everything you want, Where ev...

Against All Odds • Take a Look at Me Now • Phil Collins

 Phil Collins •Against All Odds • Take a Look at Me Now Lyrics How can i just let you walk away? Just let you leave without a trace? When i stand here taking every breath.....with you You're the only one who really knew me at all How can you just walk away from me? When all i can do is watch you leave? Cuz we shared the laughter and the pain And even shared the tears You're the only one who really knew me at all Chorus: So take a look at me now Cuz there's just an empty space There's nothing left here to remind me Just the memory of a face So take a look at me now When there's just an empty space And you comin' back to me is against all odds And that's what i've gotta face I wish i could just make you turn around Turn around and see me cry There's so much i need to say to you, So many reasons why You're the only one who really knew me at all So take a look at me now There's just an empty space There's not...


觀音菩薩贊 觀音菩薩妙難酬 清淨莊嚴累劫修 三十二應徧塵剎 百千萬劫化閻浮 瓶中甘露常時洒 手內楊柳不計秋 千處祈求千處現 苦海常作度人舟 南無普陀琉璃世界 大慈大悲觀世音菩薩

霹靂震寰宇之龍戰八荒第二片尾曲 - 註定

【MV】般若心経 (cho ver.) [Ramesh Sathiah mix.] /薬師寺寛邦 キッサコ @2018.12 Asia tour


周傳雄 小剛《暖風》高清MV


金剛薩埵百字明咒『祈菩行III』The 100 syllable vajrasattva mantra ( Buddha ActivityIII)郭蘅祈

金剛薩埵百字明咒『祈菩行III』The 100 syllable vajrasattva mantra ( Buddha ActivityIII)郭蘅祈 金剛薩埵百字明 嗡 邊紮薩埵 薩瑪呀    瑪奴巴拉呀 金剛薩埵三昧耶          勿忘並護持 邊紮 薩埵 喋諾八             地叉  低兜 美 巴哇 金剛薩埵 祈請您尊顯        請堅固吾信心 速埵 卡呦  美巴哇 請圓滿吾自性 速波 卡呦  美巴哇 請提生升吾自性 阿奴 惹埵  美巴哇 請悲護吾自性 薩哇 悉地 美擦  呀擦 一切成就賜相應 薩哇 嘎瑪速紮美   積當 希利呀  咕如  吽 一切業力中榮燦    心中美德速成就 (請讓我的 心  在一切業中   榮耀閃亮,心地賢善地行持 一切事業。 ) 哈 哈 哈 哈 霍 五德齊具足 巴嘎問    薩哇  達他  嘎達   邊紮  瑪美  木紮 尊者啊!   一切金剛如來, 請勿捨棄我 邊基 巴哇 瑪哈 薩瑪呀    薩埵 阿 此廣大三昧耶___             金剛薩埵啊 ! 金剛薩埵百字明咒文 The One Hundred Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva   梵文原文: ॐ वज्रसत्त्व समय मनुपालय।वज्रसत्त्वत्वेनोपतिष् ठ।दृढो मे भव।सुतोष्यो मे भव। सुपोष्यो मे भव।अनुरक्तो मे भव।सर्वसिद्धिं मे प्रयच्छ।सर्वकर्मसु ...

清淨法身佛 - 蓮歌子製作

清淨法身佛 清淨法身佛 清淨法身佛 清淨法身 毗盧遮那佛 圓滿報身佛 圓滿報身佛 圓滿報身 盧捨那佛 千百億化佛 千百億化佛 千百化身 釋迦牟尼佛 當來下生佛 當來下生佛 當來下生 彌勒尊佛 極樂世界佛 極樂世界佛 極樂世界 阿彌陀佛 十方三世佛 十方三世佛 十方三世 一切諸佛 毗盧遮那佛 願力周沙界 一切國土中 恆轉無上輪

天使波羅蜜 阿彌陀佛 - 蓮歌子

阿彌陀佛 演唱:李秉宗、蓮歌子 綿綿飄下滿天的曼陀羅 天人獻上悅耳演奏 在佛前四處自在的走走 真實體會無分別的平等攝受 清涼的風 陣陣地吹過來 十方心開懷 這裡不會看見兩眼淚汪汪 沒有世間所謂心傷 就算憶起宿世使你難忘 願力化宿業成緣增上 修行的路 修習的善因 增長的道樹 哦~ 時光歲月在成長 終究要回到同個地方 只要深信無量壽佛無量光 無限時空一切痛苦不過是短暫 會乘願再回來 只要深信無量壽佛無量光 無限時空一切逆境即將要扭轉 要乘願再回來 五濁世界六道輪迴之苦 七寶淨土宏願救度 八功德水浸潤菩提道數 九品蓮座邁向十地完美歸屬 清涼的風 陣陣地吹過來 十方心開懷

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