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Showing posts from May, 2020


心經(隨順歡喜心) 蓮歌子音樂原創

心經(隨順歡喜心) 蓮歌子音樂原創


天使波羅蜜金典藏-曼珠沙華-霹靂版 曲/蓮歌子 詞/四○ 編曲/高立碩 演唱/蓮歌子、歐陽彥慧



寶鬘覺華Vs 蓮歌子( 看海的日子 ) 救國團傳唱歌曲

寶鬘覺華Vs 蓮歌子( 看海的日子 ) 救國團傳唱歌曲

Mondialito夢的雅朵: Sous Le Soleil D'ete 夏日陽光之下

Mondialito夢的雅朵: Sous Le Soleil D'ete 夏日陽光之下 on laisse passer des heures desertes sur le sable fin s'allongée sur la plage deserte, y'a des pommes de pin et nos coeurs légers sous la tonnelle au frais que le ciel est clair sous le soleil d'été au bord de la mer on est toujours vêtue léger, ah comme on est bien un coquillage orange amère est dans l'onde qui vient et nos coeurs légers sous la tonnelle au frais que le ciel est clair sous le ciel d'été près du conifère

蘇芮 誰可相依

好懷念啊~小時候的電影,最怕看這種可憐的片了...嗚~ 蘇芮 - 誰可相依 - 電影龍的心主題曲 作詞:潘源良 作曲:林敏怡 童年的承諾 未曾忘記過 誰又能 分開你和我 也許是歡樂 也許是憂愁 誰又能 決定去和留 愛 不需任何理由 就像你 注定跟我走 縱然 腳步如此沈重 我只有默默承受 只想走得長久 對你從來無悔也無求 這份愛總讓我頻頻回首 但願能夠永遠陪伴你左右 所有的前途我都抛在腦後 不問我年少 不問我白頭 這份愛 不絕也不休 人情有冷暖 歲月不停留 我和你 患難卻依舊 縱然你我心靈不相通 只要有感情使我們交流 但願能夠永遠陪伴你左右 孤單會融化 當你看著我 笑的時候

蓮歌子 - 佛說療痔病經

好空靈的一首佛曲。 蓮歌子 - 佛說療痔病經 漫畫/ 林鉅晴 療痔病咒演唱/ 黃存德醫師 療痔病經演唱/ 寶鬘覺華 & 蓮歌子 《佛說療痔病經》 譯者:唐三藏法師義淨 如是我聞,一時薄伽梵在王舍大城,竹林園中,與大比丘眾五百人俱。時有眾多比丘身患痔病,形體羸瘦,痛苦縈纏,於日夜中,極受憂惱。時具壽阿難陀,見是事已,詣世尊所,頂禮雙足,在一面立,白佛言:“世尊!今王舍城,多有比丘,身患痔病,形體羸瘦,痛苦縈纏,於日夜中,極受憂惱,世尊!此諸病苦,云何救療?” 爾時佛告阿難陀:“汝可聽此療痔病經,讀誦受持,繫心勿忘,亦於他人,廣為宣說,此諸痔病,悉得除爾。所謂風痔、陰痔、三合痔、血痔、腹中痔、鼻內痔、齒痔、舌痔、眼痔、耳痔、頂痔、手足痔、脊背痔、糞門痔,遍身支節所生諸痔、如是痔瘺、悉皆乾燥,墮落消滅,必瘥無疑。皆應誦持如是神咒。”即說咒曰:[怛姪他頞蘭帝頞藍謎室利鞞室裡室裡磨羯失質三婆跋覩莎訶]“阿難陀!於此北方,有大雪山王,中有大婆羅樹,名曰難勝,有三種華:一者初生、二者圓滿、三者乾枯。猶如彼華乾燥落時,我諸比丘所患痔病,亦復如是,勿複血出,亦無膿流,永除苦痛,悉皆平復,即令乾燥。又復若常誦此經者,得宿命住,智能憶過去七生之事,咒法成就,莎訶。”又說咒曰:[怛姪他苫謎苫謎捨苫謎捨末泥捨苫泥莎訶] 佛說是經已,時具壽阿難陀,及諸大眾,皆大歡喜,信受奉行。 佛陀住世時代,(痔)就是指現代所說的癌症。


《撕夜》我把梦撕了一页 不懂明天该怎么写 冷冷的街冷冷的灯照着谁

 好好聽喔~so tender

玖壹壹(Nine one one) - 討債情歌 官方MV首播

玖壹壹 Hello My Friend 你我ㄟ交情 這句話 我講未出嘴 講錢傷感情 這首歌 你聽就災影 詞:洪瑜鴻、陳皓宇、廖建至 曲:洪瑜鴻、陳皓宇、廖建至 製作人:陳皓宇 編曲:王士榛 二胡:王士榛 琵琶:黃俊豪 配唱:王士榛\陳皓宇 錄音室:陳皓宇的錄音室 混音:王士榛 Mastering:Chris Gehringer (sterling-sound) 導演/鄺盛 製片/黃緯豪 攝影師/楊勝威 燈光師/馬銘財 造型梳化:陳甯亞 造型梳化助理:董子瑄


玖壹壹-祖孫情 合音-MC.JV 計程車出借-陳爸 計程車司機-花和尚 阿嬤-Ken-G阿嬤 金國花全體同仁改車團隊 LOGO設計-小牛 夜店出借-SHOWHOUSE GOLDEN全體同仁 攝影-小周 記得那眠我跟人去飆車 車禍撞一個倒在地上 眼睛要看卻來看無影  我的雙腳已經開始麻 眼睛張開我看到醫生在這 旁邊再哭那是我阿嬤    醫生跟我說阿宏你要堅強  就算腳會好   也不一定會走 醫生你別說白賊話來騙我  我不相信我會沒雙腳    你的話我不聽  叫我要怎麼聽  你看我的腳   他好好在這  醫生你別說好洨話給我驚  我不相信我不能走  你們都沒差小我  我現在走給你看  阿嬤  我真正不能走 我開始習慣來坐輪椅  現在廁所我都要坐下去  我懷念站著尿尿那當時  查埔人就是要這樣才會舒適  醫生說復健才有好將來  在卡艱苦也要忍耐  我的阿嬤  你不會再來流眼淚    請妳相信我   可以在站起來 先把輪椅擺一邊  復健鞋來放中間  有了阿嬤之後有沒有拐杖我都隨便  不管跳高跳遠跑步機我每天來跑三變  阿嬤在我身邊我走的路就這麼多一些 阿嬤鼓勵我的話就像在我腳上施了魔法  我腳步越走越大連醫生都拿我沒辦法 我的左腳開始聽話   我的右腳不再發麻 親愛的阿嬤你仔細看吧   我又站起來啦 阿嬤我知妳的愛有那麼大  抱歉讓你每天傷心肝  你的話我有聽  我每句都有聽 你看我的腳  他又回來這    阿嬤我災自細漢你最疼我   你看我已經可以走  請妳要相信我  我現在走給你看  阿嬤  我真的可以走 阿嬤 抱歉讓妳傷了心肝 現在我照樣 越走越長 但走的...

董事長樂團-愛我你會死 Lethal Lover [ The Chairman Official Music Video ]

6年後才聽到這首歌~那個二胡的搭配,好聽啊! 董事長樂團 愛我你會死 詞/曲:吳永吉 導演:杜文祥 最後一支煙 我就欲來離開 七逃無了時 幸福是啥滋味 我嘸是無愛你 看抉到甲己 放蕩的過去 漂泊算啥咪 茫茫渺渺啊 未來佇叨位 愛我你會死 青春無值錢 看抉到天光 咱攏是黑暗眠 甲意你的香味 麥問我為啥咪 愛我你會死 青春無值錢 風中的蠟燭 捧佇啥的手 習慣這個氣味 就要笑笑乎伊去 後世人再提起 最後一支煙 咱就要來離開 七逃無了時 幸福是啥滋味 藏底我心內暗款的 彼句話 攏無機會 對你坦白 對你來解釋 我就是 一個無情無義 無血無目屎 亡命的人 我嘛知 社會黑暗兄弟無情 路歹行 七逃人的運命 本來就是底賭命 我恨我甲己 愛你永遠抹快活


玖壹壹-我的路 (要唱歌 我可以 來吃苦 我可以 不管衝殺 我都可以 蝦咪代誌 我都可以) 小漢時選到歹路來行 厝里人的話巄謀勒甲聽 跟人來做兄弟 想要改變生活 有時候要錢我們也不要命 說到你我友情親像斷背山 我常常幫你度過金多難關 感謝你滴我身邊 將我往正路來牽 這份情我這世人還不完 這是我選擇的路 管他有誰人在乎 一起和哭的笑的痛的幸福一起共度 我們要一起長大 共同到每個國度 要聽到你的掌聲尖叫就是我的全部 這是我們走的路 管他有誰人在乎 感謝你在我身邊給我扶持給我幫助 我決不會認輸 慢慢走 一步一步 兄弟我們心連著心走 我們的路 (要唱歌 我可以 來吃苦 我可以 不管衝殺 我都可以 蝦咪代誌 我都可以)x2 有的人非常渴望自己夢想 能夠實現 就會以實際行動去完成他 有的人每天都在做白日夢 以為就會實現夢想 你省省吧~ 媽媽擔心我會學壞 到廟裏求福到廟裡拜拜 希望自己兒子有個好的未來 普遍家庭都這樣我不意外 每個路 繼續走 你的夢 不會停 只要你想完成 這一局 一定行 走一半 走一半 就放棄 不作完 太可惜 不就白費所有力氣 就算翻腳都還是繼續 叫不會游泳的人也都學會遊 每個環節我與我的兄弟團結 遇到困難就解決

玖壹壹(Nine one one)-下輩子 官方MV首播

玖壹壹-下輩子 下輩子是首滄桑無奈的情歌,主角洋蔥從抱著希望歷經痛苦、絕望重生後,卻還是一場空的歷程,深刻描寫比至死不渝更深的愛情,這輩子愛不到了,我們就約定下輩子吧,以不同的思維來詮釋第四波主打「下輩子」 詞:謝銘祐/洪瑜鴻/陳皓宇 曲:謝銘祐/陳皓宇  編曲:陳致惟 吉他演奏:劉瑋舜 配唱製作人:葛子毅/陳皓宇 製作人: 陳皓宇/葛子毅 混音師: 魏瑋 ( Nerdy Boy production,廣州 ) 錄音師:葛子毅 ( Mimicker Studio ) 母帶後期處理:王秉皇 ( 洋活音樂有限公司 我知 妳老母都嫌我醜 我知 妳老爸都看我不爽快 我知 妳家的狗 咬我三次 全家伙都賭爛 其實我都會知 我寄呼妳的信 都給妳爸撕掉 我打電話去妳家 擱呼妳媽掛掉 連我走去妳家 都有人來討債 我不敢相信 自己怎會甲衰小 妳老爸老母看我無 我選里長給他看 伊嫌我不夠好野 但我有好的心肝 送芒果去妳家又呼妳爸丟在地下 我發誓 下輩子 我要娶他女兒 我拜天 我拜地 求菩薩讓咱作夥 妳永遠 是家裡 最甲意 那一個 這世人沒辦法給妳山盟海誓 後世人再帶妳去呷妳最愛的燒酒螺 妳說下輩子如果我還記得妳 我們死也要在一起 像是陷入催眠的指令 我又開始昏迷不醒 好吧下輩子如果我還記得妳 妳的誓言可別忘記 不過一張明信片而已 我已隨他走入 下個輪迴裡 這輩子無法的話 那可以下輩子好嗎 妳說當朋友的話 那我也就這樣做吧 我看著妳去愛誰 比做牛做馬還累 妳的另一半在哪裡我I DONT CARE 我什麼時候 會離開 在走上奈何橋 不選擇孟婆湯的話 我吞下那不該吃的藥 為了可以在人群之中讓我更快的找到妳 我決定在離開前 我先來帶個望遠鏡 COME ON BABY 說好下輩子妳要在我身邊 我還會記得那牌子 跟妳最愛抽的菸 我更他媽的希望時間可以再快一點 讓我過完這輩子 完成我的心願 沒有了天長地久 真的我沒差 下輩子還要記得妳 是我的真心話 就算是角色互換 那我真的沒關係 反正 也 對阿 對阿 我心甘情願的被妳插 妳說下輩子如果我還記得妳 我們死也要在一起 像是陷入催眠的指令 我又開始昏迷不醒 好吧下輩子如果我還記得妳 妳的誓言可別忘記 不過一張明信...

玖壹壹(洋蔥)-癡情的男子漢 ft UnderLover(睿兒)

玖壹壹(洋蔥)-癡情的男子漢  ft  UnderLover(睿兒) 我是愛你愛你愛到欲死的 癡情男子漢 你咁有聽到我的心為你唱歌 我是愛你愛你愛到欲死的 癡情男子漢 心愛的 我哪會忍心你目框紅 OH MY LADY I'M痴情的男子漢 我可以給你快樂 家庭 幸福一世人 就算說 要我給你一千兩百萬 我可以用我所有力量來去給他賺 一杯交杯酒 咱一晚飲吼乾 我把你催落乎你你爽到 阿呀我的媽 我給你我所有 你把身軀都給我 我跟你相逢在愛的這條路 我決定不會乎你來對我來吃苦 我相信蔡小虎伊嘛 尬我共款 愛你唷一唷一唷一唷一唷 你常說表現好的話 我就要給你一個讚 為了咱的家庭幸福 我呷鐵牛運功散 每晚攏加班 我是痴情的男子漢 我是愛你愛你愛到欲死的癡情男子漢 你咁有聽到我的心為你唱歌 我是愛你愛你愛到欲死的癡情男子漢 心愛的 我哪會忍心你目框紅 我的心其實有三房閣兩廳 我只有愛你一個 你問我咁有影 愛過我的七辣 若欲要算到完 要坐滿一架遊覽車 你本來叫是阮個性是真古意 但是置棉床頂 有你想不到的阿莎力 現在你自己攏會主動來蹲落去 你說先生 歐伊細 我若聽著你欲血拼 我的腳著麻去 我若路走太快 你就說我奇怪耶你 天氣若變冷我送你 發熱衣 心意代表 我愛你 痴情的男子漢 騎白馬過情關 回來故鄉娶我心愛的王寶釧 最後人生的路我陪你走完 我是愛你愛你愛到欲死的癡情男子漢 你咁有聽到我的心為你唱歌 我是愛你愛你愛到欲死的癡情男子漢 心愛的 我哪會忍心你目框紅 思念你的心晟 不分春夏秋冬 我愛你一世人 念你一天過一天 情茫茫 夜茫茫 你就是我的夢 你送乎我的愛 我把放的那麼重 就因為我是痴情的男子漢 心愛的 我哪會忍心你目框紅 我是愛你愛你愛到欲死的癡情男子漢 你咁有聽到我的心為你唱歌 我是愛你愛你愛到欲死的癡情男子漢 心愛的 我哪會忍心你目框紅


這個團超特別的,別看主唱女生的打扮,他可是早就結婚生子,老婆可是個美女呢! 日本視覺系新浪漫主義救世主SHAZNA,以主音IZAM為中心,加上貝斯手NIY及鼓手KATSURA於1993年正式結成,後來經人介紹加入了吉他手A.O.I,而迷你專輯《Raspberry Time》發行之後,可是由於KATSURA音樂的方向性和整個團體不太相同,樂團活動漸漸變成以IZAM和NIY為中心,KATSURA便於1996年離開另組團體,不過無損樂團約四年在地下音樂界

Relaxation Music - 1 Hour Meditation Candle


John Legend - All of Me (Edited Video)

John Legend - All of Me (Edited Video) Lyrics : What would I do without your smart mouth Drawing me in, and you kicking me out Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can’t pin you down What’s going on in that beautiful mind? I’m on your magical mystery ride And I’m so dizzy, don’t know what hit me, but I’ll be alright My head’s under water But I’m breathing fine You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind ‘Cause all of me Loves all of you Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections Give your all to me I’ll give my all to you You’re my end and my beginning Even when I lose I’m winning ‘Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you How many times do I have to tell you Even when you’re crying you’re beautiful too The world is beating you down, I’m around through every mood You’re my downfall, you’re my muse My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues I can’t stop singing, it’s ringing, in my head for you My head’s under water But I’m br...

Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You (Official Video)

Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You (Official Video) Lyrics I will not make the same mistakes that you did I will not let myself

Jessie J - Flashlight (from Pitch Perfect 2) (Official Video)

Jessie J - Flashlight (from Pitch Perfect 2) (Official Video) When tomorrow comes I'll be on my own Feeling frightened of The things that I don't know When tomorrow comes Tomorrow comes Tomorrow comes And though the road is long I look up to the sky And in the dark I found, lost hope that I won't fly And I sing along, I sing along, and I sing along I got all I need when I got you and I I look around me, and see a sweet life I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight You're getting me, getting me, through the night Kick start my heart when you shine it in my eyes Can't lie, it's a sweet life Stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight You're getting me, getting me, through the night 'Cause you're my flashlight (flashlight) You're my flashlight (flashlight), you're my flashlight Ooh I see the shadows long beneath the mountain top I'm not afraid when the rain won't stop 'Cause you light t...

Beyoncé - If I Were A Boy

Beyoncé - If I Were A Boy [Verse] If I were a boy Even just for a day I?d roll outta bed in the morning And throw on what I wanted then go

不要怕-瓦其依合(四川涼山彝族山歌) &吉克雋逸版

不要怕-瓦其依合(四川涼山彝族山歌) 歌詞 mu hly pur la. 风起了 ma hxa jjip la. 雨下了 mge qi ci la. 荞叶落了 syr qy syr la vex. 树叶黄了 nyix ke pur la,mu chur pur la.春去秋来 hxie mop pur la vex.心绪起伏 cyp kur cyp vit ox, 时光流转 syp shyr cyp hlep op. 岁月沧桑 ap jie lop, ap jiep lop, ap jie lop, ap jiep lop, ap jie lop, ap jiep lop, ap jie lop ap jie.不要怕 不要怕 ap jie lop ap jie.不要怕 不要怕 ap jie lop ap jie.不要怕 不要怕 mox nyi ap qyp o,无论严寒 cax nyi ap qyp o.或酷暑 hnax nyi tat qyp o,无论伤痛 hnax nyi tat qyp o,无论伤痛 hnax nyi tat qyp o,无论伤痛 shax nyi tat qyp o.或苦难 shax nyi tat qyp o.或苦难 shax nyi tat qyp o.或苦难 中國好聲音(中國之聲)第14期-吉克雋逸《不要怕》

The Neverending Story • Theme Song • Limahl

The Neverending Story • Theme Song • Limahl Lyrics Turn around Look at what you see In her face The mirror of your dreams Make believe I'm everywhere Given in the light Written on the pages Is the answer to a never ending story Ah Reach the stars Fly a fantasy Dream a dream And what you see will be Rhymes that keep their secrets Will unfold behind the clouds And there upon a rainbow Is the answer to a never ending story Ah Story Ah Show no fear For she may fade away In your hand The birth of a new day Rhymes that keep their secrets Will unfold behind the clouds And there upon a rainbow Is the answer to a never ending story Ah Never ending story Ah Never ending story Ah Never ending story Ah

Stand Up (Champions Theme) - Goleo VI - Patrizio Buanne

Stand Up (Champions Theme) - Goleo VI - Patrizio Buanne Lyrics Stand up for the champions Stand up for the champions Stand up we will over come Stand up we will be the number one Together we will rise again Together we will play the game Together we will want to sing Together winner is the only aim Stand up for the champions Stand up for the champions Stand up we will over come Stand up we will be the number one Together none forever more Together it's like never before Together what's be flying for Together all the nations rolls Stand up for the champions Stand up for the champions Stand up we will over come Stand up we will be the number one We will keep for fine to the end (the end) All of you to be I know we will defence no one (no one) We will stand up the destiny (forever) we will call this name (as never) let's a glory fair (remember) for reaching a team (together) we will make on history All we gonna go on stay Stand up for the cham...

The Alan Parsons Project - Sirius / Eye In The Sky (Live) (Subtitulado)

The Alan Parsons Project - Sirius / Eye In The Sky (Live) (Subtitulado) Don't think sorry's easily said Don't try turning tables instead You've taken lots of Chances before But I'm not gonna give anymore Don't ask me That's how it goes Cause part of me knows what you're thinkin' Don't say words you're gonna regret Don't let the fire rush to your head I've heard the accusation before And I ain't gonna take any more Believe me The sun in your Eyes Made some of the lies worth believing I am the eye in the sky Looking at you I can read your mind I am the maker of rules Dealing with fools I can cheat you blind And I don't need to see any more To know that I can read your mind, I can read your mind Don't leave false illusions behind Don't cry cause I ain't changing my mind So find another fool like before Cause I ain't gonna live anymore believing Some of the lies while all of the ...

成龍 Jackie Chan【感受 My feeling】Official Music Video

成龍 Jackie Chan - 感受 詞曲 剛澤斌 眼看著你消失盡頭 你的名字始終叫不出口 街上的人群擁擠依舊 孤獨的心情你能否感受 昨夜的你依然溫柔 你甜甜耳語仍然迴盪四週

成龍 Jackie Chan【壯志在我胸 A vigorous aspiration in my mind】台視「江湖再見」主題曲 Offici...

成龍 Jackie Chan【壯志在我胸 A vigorous aspiration in my mind】台視「江湖再見」主題曲 詞曲 李宗盛 拍拍身上的灰塵 振作疲憊的精神 遠方也許盡是坎坷路 也許要孤孤單單走一程 早就習慣一個人 少人關心少人問 就算無人為我付青春 至少我還保留一份真 拍拍身上的灰塵 振作疲憊的精神 遠方也許盡是坎坷路 也許要孤孤單單走一程 莫笑我是多情種 莫以成敗論英雄 人的遭遇本不同 但有豪情壯志在我胸 嘿喲嘿嘿 嘿喲嘿 管那山高水也深 嘿喲嘿嘿 嘿喲嘿 也不能阻擋我奔前程 嘿喲嘿嘿 嘿喲嘿 茫茫未知的旅程 我要認真面對我的人生

男兒當自強 - 林子祥、成龍、大合唱、鎖吶版

傲氣面對萬重浪 熱血像那紅日光 膽似鐵打 骨如精鋼 胸襟百千丈 眼光萬里長 我發奮圖強 做好漢 做個好漢子 每天要自強 熱血男兒漢 比太陽更光 *讓海天為我聚能量 去開天闢地 為我理想去闖 看碧波高壯 又看碧空廣闊浩氣揚 我是男兒當自強 昂步挺胸大家作棟樑 做好漢 用我百點熱 耀出千分光 做個好漢子 熱血熱腸熱 比太陽更光* REPEAT* 做個好漢子 熱血熱腸熱 比太陽更光 《男儿当自强》林子祥、胡夏 — 儿时经典炸裂重现!是唢呐都掩盖不了的高音呀!【SMG上海东方卫视音乐频道】

娃娃(金智娟) WaWa【大雨】Official Music Video

娃娃(金智娟) WaWa【大雨】 夏日午後發生在街角的傷心故事,充滿畫面的一首歌, 娃娃唱得淋漓盡致。 你是否曾經因為忘情地觀賞愛情,而忘記了自己的疼痛, 是否曾經看著窗外有雨飛落,而自己的心裡卻下起大雨, 娃娃用心靈和你分享這許多的故事。 我想,我們都有一點傻, 想在現實的生活裏,找尋真正的愛情。 你知道嗎?真正的愛情,其實, 只在你心裏。 作詞:陳冠蒨 作曲:陳冠蒨 歌詞 說真的我不是故意 看見你和她在街頭佇立 我在猶豫該不該逃避 還是讓你看見我在這裡 天空間飄來的雨 從眼裡滑落到心裡 我在懷疑該不該躲你 該不該躲這場雨 大雨就要開始不停的下 我的心 我的心 已經完全的沒有主張 帶我到沒有愛情的地方 喔...... 大雨就要開始不停的下 我的心 我的心 已經完全的失去方向 帶我到沒有愛情的地方

李恕權 - 每次都想呼喊你的名字 / Every Time I Always Want to Call Your Name (by David ...

李恕權 - 每次都想呼喊你的名字 ======================== 作詞:姚凱祿,作曲:姚凱祿 ======================== 微風吹動妳的髮稍,就像風的線條, 總是在我的眼裡顫動。 微笑掛在妳的嘴角,盪漾我的情懷, 總是叫我無法言語。 每次都想呼喊妳的名字,告訴妳心中的話; 面對面看著妳的眼睛,不再追尋妳的背影。 每次都想呼喊妳的名字,告訴妳心中的話; 面對面看著妳的眼睛,不再追尋風的線條。 偶然在街上遇見妳,是那迷人的模樣; 看妳從眼前走過,我卻看不見妳令我懷念的髮稍。

童安格《其實你不懂我的心》我用不在乎掩藏真心... ♥•♪♫♪*

《其實你不懂我的心》  作曲、演唱:童安格 作詞:陳桂珠 你說我像雲捉摸不定 其實你不懂我的心 你說我像夢忽遠又忽近 其實你不懂我的心 你說我像謎總是看不清 其實我用不在乎掩藏真心 怕自己不能負擔對你的深情 所以不敢靠你太近 你說要遠行暗地裏傷心 不讓你看到哭泣的眼睛 怕自己不能負擔對你的深情 所以不敢靠你太近 你說要遠行暗地裏傷心 不讓你看到哭泣的眼睛童安格

李恕權 - 迴 / Turn Around (by David Lee)

李恕權 - 迴 / Turn Around (by David Lee)  1983年 ======================== 作詞:連水淼,作曲:韓正皓 ======================== 有一些聲音在我的胸懷, 峰迴路轉,如此糾纏。 一天又一天,一年又一年, 不知道何時才能向你說句話? 越過千山萬水,已忘記疲倦的我, 向晚的城市夜色未淹沒。 你用你的一切,等待我的漂泊; 我用我的漂泊,等待你的一切。 你用你的一切,等待我的漂泊; 我用我的漂泊,等待你的一切。

丘丘合唱團【就在今夜】Official Lyric Video

就在今夜 演唱:丘丘合唱團 詞曲:邱晨 就在今夜 就在今夜 就在今夜我要悄悄離去 因為你曾經說 你對我不再感覺溫柔 就在今夜我要說一句話 也許你不相信 可是我願你記得這句話 這句話就是我想你 雖然你已經不愛我 就在今夜我要離去 就在今夜一樣想你 雖然心中難過 但面對你的冷漠 只有輕輕留下一句 我想你 就在今夜我要離去 就在今夜一樣想你 雖然心中難過 但面對你的冷漠 只有輕輕留下一句 我想你 就在今夜我要悄悄離去 因為你曾經說 你對我不再感覺溫柔 就在今夜我要說一句話 也許你不相信 可是我願你記得這句話 這句話就是我想你 雖然你已經不愛我 就在今夜我要離去 就在今夜一樣想你 雖然心中難過 但面對你的冷漠 只有輕輕留下一句 我想你 就在今夜我要離去 就在今夜一樣想你 雖然心中難過 但面對你的冷漠 只有輕輕留下一句 我想你 就在今夜我要離去 就在今夜一樣想你 雖然心中難過 但面對你的冷漠 只有輕輕留下一句 我想你 就在今夜我要離去 就在今夜一樣想你 雖然心中難過 但面對你的冷漠 只有輕輕留下一句 我想你 啊......啊...... 啊...... 想你想你 嗚...... 我想你 就在今夜我要離去 就在今夜一樣想你 雖然心中難過 但面對你的冷漠 只有輕輕留下一句 我想你

陳明韶【讓我們看雲去】Official Lyric Video

讓我們看雲去 演唱:陳明韶 作詞:鐘麗莉 作曲:黃大城 女孩 為什麼哭泣 難道心中 藏著不如意 女孩 為什麼嘆息 莫非心裡 躲著憂鬱 年紀輕輕 不該輕嘆息 快樂年齡 不好輕哭泣 拋開憂鬱 忘了那不如意 走出戶外 讓我們看雲去 女孩 為什麼哭泣 難道心中 藏著不如意 女孩 為什麼嘆息 莫非心裡 躲著憂鬱 年紀輕輕 不該輕嘆息 快樂年齡 不好輕哭泣 拋開憂鬱 忘了那不如意 走出戶外 讓我們看雲去 女孩 為什麼哭泣 難道心中 藏著不如意 女孩 為什麼嘆息 莫非心裡 躲著憂鬱 年紀輕輕 不該輕嘆息 快樂年齡 不好輕哭泣 拋開憂鬱 忘了那不如意 走出戶外 讓我們看雲去 年紀輕輕 不該輕嘆息 快樂年齡 不好輕哭泣 拋開憂鬱 忘了那不如意 走出戶外 讓我們看雲去 年紀輕輕 不該輕嘆息 快樂年齡 不好輕哭泣

鳳飛飛 - 追夢人

鳳飛飛-追夢人 作詞:羅大佑 作曲:羅大佑 編曲:羅大佑 製作:羅大佑  讓青春吹動了你的長髮 讓它牽引你的夢  不知不覺這城市的歷史已記取了妳的笑容  紅紅心中藍藍的天 是個生命的開始  春雨不眠 隔夜的你曾空獨眠的日子  讓青春嬌豔的花朵 綻開了深藏的紅顏  飛去飛來的滿天的飛絮 是幻想你的笑臉  秋來春去紅塵中 誰在宿命裡安排  冰雪不語寒夜的你那難隱藏的光彩  看我看一眼吧 莫讓紅顏守空枕  青春無悔不死 永遠的愛人  讓流浪的足跡在荒漠裡寫下永久的回憶  飄去飄來的筆跡是深藏的激情你的心語  前塵後世輪迴中 誰在聲音裡徘徊  癡情笑我凡俗的人世終難解的關懷 劉德華 Andy Lau_吳倩蓮_天若有情 MV - 袁鳳瑛_A Moment of Romance_ 追夢人

Bee Gees - I Started A Joke and First Of May

Bee Gees - I Started A Joke and First Of May Lyrics I started a joke 我開了個玩笑 which started the whole world crying 讓全世界都哭了起來 but I didn't see 但我卻沒看出 that the joke was on me, oh no 這鬧笑話的原來是我,噢不 I started to cry 我開始哭泣 which started the whole world laughing 這讓全世界都笑了起來 oh, if I'd only seen 啊,願我能早點知道 that the joke was on me. 這鬧笑話的原來是我 I looked at the skies 我仰望著天空 running my hands over my eyes 雙手掩面遮眼 and I fell out of bed, hurting my head 我跌下了床,撞傷了頭 from things that I'd said 全都因為我所說的話 Til I finally died 直到我終於死去 which started the whole world living 這讓全世界都活了起來 oh, if I'd only seen 啊,願我能早點知道 that the joke was on me 這鬧笑話的原來是我 I looked at the skies 我仰望著天空 running my hands over my eyes 雙手掩面遮眼 and I fell out of bed, hurting my head 我跌下了床,撞傷了頭 from things that I'd said 全都因為我所說的話 Til I finally died 直到我終於死去 which started the whole world living 這讓全世界都活了起來 oh, if I'd only seen 啊,願我能早點知道 that the joke was one me 這鬧笑話的原來是我 br ...

Bee Gees - You Win Again (1987)

Bee Gees - You Win Again (1987) Lyrics I couldn't figure why You couldn't give me what everybody needs I shouldn't let you kick me when I'm down My baby I find out everybody know That you've been using me I'm surprised you Let me stay around you One day I'm gonna lift the cover And look inside your heart We gotta level before we go And tear this love apart There's no fight you can't fight This battle of love with me You win again So little time We do nothing but compete There's no life on earth No other could see me through You win again Some never try But if anybody can, we can And I'll be, I'll be Following you Oh girl, oh girl, oh baby I shake you from now on I'm gonna break down your defenses One by one I'm gonna hit you from all sides Lay your fortress open wide Nobody stops this body from taking you You better beware, I swear I'm gonna be there one day when you fall I could never let...

Bee Gees - How Deep Is Your Love (1977)

Bee Gees - How Deep Is Your Love (1977) Lyrics: I know your eyes in the morning sun I feel you touch me in the pouring rain And the moment that you wander far from me I want to feel you in my arms again And you come to me on a summer breeze

Bee Gees - Words (with lyrics)

Bee Gees - Words (with lyrics) Smile an everlasting smile A smile can bring you near to me Don't ever let me find you gone 'Cause that would bring a tear to me This world has lost it's glory Let's start a brand new story Now my love, right now There'll be no other time And I can show you how, my love Talk in everlasting words And dedicate them all to me And I will give you all my life I'm here if you should call to me You think that I don't even mean A single word I say It's only words, and words are all I have To take your heart away You think that I don't even mean A single word I say It's only words, and words are all I have To take your heart away It's only words, and words are all I have To take your heart away It's only words, and words are all I have To take your heart away

Bee Gees - Too Much Heaven (1979)

Bee Gees - Too Much Heaven (1979) LYRICS  Nobody gets too much heaven no more It's much harder to come by I'm waiting in line Nobody gets too much love anymore

Bee Gees - Alone (1997)

Bee Gees - Alone (1997) Lyrics I was a midnight rider on a cloud of smoke I could make a woman hang on every single stroke I was an iron man I had a master plan But I was alone I could hear you breathing with a sigh of the wind I remember how your body started trembling Oh what a night it's been, and for the state I'm in I'm still alone And all the wonders made for the earth And all the hearts in all creation Somehow I always end up alone Always end up alone, always end up alone So I'll play, I'll wait 'Cause you know that love takes time Living love between the line We came (sha la) so close (so far) Just the beat of a lonely heart And it's mine, and I don't want to be alone Well, since I got no message on your answer phone Since you're busy every minute I just stay at home I make believe you care, I feel you everywhere But I'm still alone I'm on a wheel of fortune with a twist of fate 'Cause I know it isn't ...

Bee Gees - Tragedy

Bee Gees - Tragedy Lyrics Here I lie in a lost and lonely part of town Held in time in a world of tears, I slowly drown Goin' home I just can't make it all alone I really should be holding you Holding you, loving you, loving you Tragedy When the feeling's gone and you can't go on It's tragedy When the morning cries and you don't know why It's hard to bear with no one to love you You're going nowhere Tragedy When you lose control and you got no soul It's tragedy When the morning cries and you don't know why It's hard to bear with no one beside you You're going nowhere Night and day there's a burning down inside of me, oh Burning love with a yearning that won't let me be Down I go and I just can't take it All alone I really should be holding you Holding you, loving you, loving you Tragedy When the feeling's gone and you can't go on It's tragedy When the morning cries and you don't ...

Abba - Knowing Me, Knowing You (Official Video)

Abba - Knowing Me, Knowing You (Official Video) Lyrics No more carefree laughter Silence ever after Walking through an empty house Tears in my eyes This is where the story ends This is goodbye Knowing me, knowing you (a-ha) There is nothing we can do Knowing me, knowing you (a-ha) We just have to face it This time we're through Breaking up is never easy, I know But I have to go Knowing me, knowing you It's the best I can do Memories, good days, bad days They'll be with me always In these old familiar rooms Children would play Now there's only emptiness Nothing to say Knowing me, knowing you (a-ha) There is nothing we can do Knowing me, knowing you (a-ha) We just have to face it This time we're through Breaking up is never easy, I know But I have to go Knowing me, knowing you It's the best I can do Knowing me, knowing you (a-ha) There is nothing we can do Knowing me, knowing you (a-ha) We just have to face it This time we...

Abba - One Of Us (Official Video)

Abba - One Of Us (Official Video) Lyrics They passed me by, all of those great romances You were, I felt, robbing me of my rightful chances My picture clear, everything seemed so easy And so I dealt you the blow One of us had to go Now it's different, I want you to know One of us is crying One of us is lying In her lonely bed Staring at the ceiling Wishing she was somewhere else instead One of us is lonely One of us is only Waiting for a call Sorry for herself, feeling stupid feeling small Wishing she had never left at all I saw myself as a concealed attraction I felt you kept me away from the heat and the action Just like a child, stubborn and misconceiving That's how I started the show One of us had to go Now I've changed and I want you to know One of us is crying One of us is lying In her lonely bed Staring at the ceiling Wishing she was somewhere else instead One of us is lonely One of us is only Waiting for a call Sorry for herself, feel...

Abba - Lay All Your Love On Me

Abba - Lay All Your Love On Me Lyrics I wasn't jealous before we met Now every woman I see is a potential threat And I'm possessive, it isn't nice You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice But now it isn't true Now everything is new And all I've learned has overturned I beg of you Don't go wasting your emotion Lay all your love on me It was like shooting a sitting duck A little smalltalk, a smile and baby I was stuck I still don't know what you've done with me A grown-up woman should never fall so easily I feel a kind of fear When I don't have you near Unsatisfied, I skip my pride I beg you dear Don't go wasting your emotion Lay all your love on me Don't go sharing your devotion Lay all your love on me I've had a few little love affairs They didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce I used to think I was sensible It makes the truth even more incomprehensible 'Cause ever...

Abba - SOS (Official Video)

Abba - SOS (Official Video) Lyrics Where are those happy days, they seem so hard to find I tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind Whatever happened to our love? I wish I understood It used to be so nice, it used to be so good So when you're near me, darling can't you hear me S. O. S. The love you gave me, nothing else can save me S. O. S. When you're gone How can I even try to go on? When you're gone Though I try how can I carry on? You seem so far away though you are standing near You made me feel alive, but something died I fear I really tried to make it out I wish I understood What happened to our love, it used to be so good So when you're near me, darling can't you hear me S. O. S. The love you gave me, nothing else can save me S. O. S. When you're gone How can I even try to go on? When you're gone Though I try how can I carry on? So when you're near me, darling can't you hear me S. O. S. And t...

Abba - Super Trouper

Abba - Super Trouper Lyrics Super trouper beams are gonna blind me But I won't feel blue Like I always do 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you I was sick and tired of everything When I called you last night from Glasgow All I do is eat and sleep and sing Wishing every show was the last show (wishing every show was the last show) So imagine I was glad to hear you're coming (glad to hear you're coming) Suddenly I feel all right (And suddenly it's gonna be) And it's gonna be so different When I'm on the stage tonight Tonight the super trouper lights are gonna find me Shining like the sun (sup-p-per troup-p-per) Smiling, having fun (sup-p-per troup-p-per) Feeling like a number one Tonight the super trouper beams are gonna blind me But I won't feel blue (sup-p-per troup-p-per) Like I always do (sup-p-per troup-p-per) 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you Facing twenty thousand of your friends How can anyone be s...

小李飛刀 - 羅文

小李飛刀 1978 羅文 Roman Tam 曲: 顧家輝 詞: 盧國沾 難得一身好本領 情關始終闖不過 闖不過 柔情蜜意 亂揮刀劍無結果 流水滔滔斬不斷 情絲百結衝不破 刀鋒冷 熱情未冷 心底更是難過 無情刀 永不知錯 無緣份 祇嘆奈何 面對死不會驚怕 離別心悽楚 人生幾許失意 何必偏偏選中我 揮刀劍 斷盟約 相識註定成大錯

Slade - Cum On Feel The Noize - Top Of The Pops - Tuesday 25 December 1973


Slade - My Oh My

Slade - My Oh My Lyrics I believe in woman, my oh my I believe in lovin', my oh my Don't a woman need a man? Try and catch one if you can I believe in woman, my oh my We all need someone to talk to, my oh my We all need someone to talk to, my oh my You need a shoulder to cry on Call me, I'll be standing by We all need someone to talk to, my oh my We all need a lotta lovin', my oh my Yeah, and whole lotta lovin', my oh my I can lend a helping hand If you ain't got nothing planned We all need some lovin', my oh my Oh, yeah Oh Yeah So let's all swing together, my oh my We can all swing together, my oh my You've got troubles of your own No need to face them all alone We can all swing together, my oh my So let's all pull together, my oh my Yeah, let's all pull together, my oh my We can ride the stormy weather If we all get out and try So let's all pull together, my oh my Yeah, let's all pull together, my oh...

Alice Cooper - Poison

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