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【祢使我勇敢 / You Make Me Courageous 】Acoustic Live - 約書亞樂團、謝思穎 Panay Isak

主領 Worship Leader:謝思穎 Panay Isak

沒有懲罰  沒有重擔
No punishment | no more burden
As it’s Your love I live in
I can face myself honestly

我的恐懼  我的軟弱
All of my fear | all my weakness
I surrender to You, Lord
I am not alone

祢會為我撐傘   是我的安全感
You will be my shelter | always my protector
輕看一切困難   盼望未來
All my hardships falter looking forward
自由踏出步伐  釋放我的情感
Freely take that step out | to let out emotions
You make me courageous

No worries for tomorrow
Good things will surely follow
All things working together
I have been given power


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