不了情 (1961 Love Without End) 顧媚 Bu Liao Qing มีแปลซับไทย
忘 不 了, 忘 不 了 (wang bu liao wang bu liao)
how could i forget, how could i ever forget?
忘 不 了 你 的 錯 (wang bu liao ni di cuo)
how could i forget the times when you have gone astray?
忘 不 了 你 的 好 (wang bu liao ni di hao)
忘 不 了 雨 中 的 散 步 (wang bu liao yu zhong di san bu)
how could i ever forget our stroll in the rain?
也 忘 不 了 那 風 裡 的 擁 抱 (ye wang bu liao na feng li di yong bao)
and how could i ever forget our embrace in the wind?
忘 不 了 忘 不 了(wang bu liao, wang bu liao)
how could i forget, how could i ever forget?
忘 不 了 你 的 淚 (wang bu liao ni di lei)
i can never forget your tears,
忘 不 了 你 的 笑 (wang bu liao ni di xiao)
and i can never forget your laughter.
忘 不 了 落 葉 的 惆 悵 (wang bu liao luo ye di chou chang)
i can never forget the melancholy brought on by the autumn breeze,
也 忘 不 了 那 花 開 的 煩 惱 (ye wang bu liao na hua kai di fan nao)
and the sorrow that embraces me during the early days of spring.
寂 寞 的 長 巷 而 今 斜 月 輕 照 (ji mo di chang xiang er jing xie yue qing zhao)
do you remember the long lane where we used to walk? now only touched by the light of the lonely crescent moon,
冷 落 的 鞦 韆 而 今 迎 風 輕 搖 (leng luo di qiu qian er jin ying feng qing yao)
the swing where we used to play? now only sways with the gentle carress of the breeze.
它 重 覆 你 的 叮 嚀 一 聲 聲 忘 了 忘 了 (ta chong fu ni di ding ling i sheng sheng wang liao wang liao)
over and over again they repeat the words you utter: "forget it, let it go"
它 低 訴 我 的 衷 曲 一 聲 聲 難 了 難 了(ta di su wo di zhong qu i sheng sheng nan liao nan liao)
and yet again they whisper my reply: "how could i? How Could I Ever??"
忘 不 了, 忘 不 了 (wang bu liao wang bu liao)
how could i forget, how could i ever forget?
忘 不 了 春 已 盡 (wang bu liao chun yi jin)
how could i forget the end of spring?
忘 不 了 花 已 老 (wang bu liao hua yi lao)
and how could i ever wipe the memory of falling leaves and wilting flowers from my memories?
忘 不 了 離 別 的 滋 味 (wang bu liao li bie di zi wei)
never can i forget the bitter taste of parting,
也 忘 不 了 那 相 思 的 苦 惱 (ye wang bu liao na xiang si di ku nao)
and never can i forget the emotions of pining for you.
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