大悲咒 DJ版
Follow this, for the closest to the pronunciation.
Note: for the "Arahate" portion, the H is silent. So, "Ara-ate". If J is first letter, pronounce as Je. Pronounce "ratna" as "radna".
Nammo ratna trayaya.
Nammo arya jnanam, sangara, Vairochana.
Vyuha rajaya dhatagataya.
Arahate, samyadsam buddhaya.
Nammo sarva dhatagatebeh.
Arahatebeh, samyadsam buddhebeh.
Nammo arya Valokite-shvaraya, bodhisattvaya, maha sattvaya, maha karunikaya.
Daiyadha, "om, dhara dhara, dhiri dhiri, dhuru dhuru.
Itti veh itti, chaleh chaleh. Parachaleh, parachaleh.
Kushumeh kushuma vareh.
illi, milli chitti jvalam apana'eh, shvaha!"
for any's reference 😐
Translation for humans:
Reverence to the Three Treasures.
(buddhas, sangas, earth Dharmas)
Reverence to the saintly wiser, very first buddha from the very first Earth, Ra(light) to any sanga(practitioner groups), Vairochana(great sun's guidance).
Honoured king of all completely freed beings.
Themself an arahat(a being not lower than complete light), equivalent as a buddha.
Reverence to all completely freed beings.
Themselves arahats, thus all equivalent as buddhas.
Reverence to the arya (saintly) Valokite (all-seeing) -shvaraya (a sage/heaven guardian), a bodhisattva (a Buddhist wiser/saint), a great wise being, a great compassionate being. Thus, the mantra(mindset) goes: "It's said, oh, be diligent, focus and steady.
Bit by bit, march forward, push forward.
Bridge/cross over, towards the goal. Flowers(nice natural scent) surround us.
Freeing that one tiny flame in the heart/mind(the bodhi spirit), success!"
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